Tara Thornton | True Blood 3.08 ‘Night on the Sun’ (via luvtheviking)
Tara’s real smart when she’s not being so stupid.
(via askarsswedishmeatballs)
You Are Loved - Josh Groban
This is all for the Libyans who are fighting for their freedom right now. #Libya
“Don’t give up, because you want to be heard. If silence keeps you I, I will break it for you.”
Glee Cast - I Know What Boys Like
‘cause you and i both loved
what you and i spoke of
and others just read of,
and if you could see me now…
The week leading up to Valentine’s Day is stressful. Period.
When you’re single it means that you have to decide if you’re going to have a “fun” girls night out, where you trek to a restaurant packed with couples and sit amongst the breeders while guzzling down enough sangria to forget all of that pent up sexual frustration. Sometimes, if you’re feeling sad, it may also include exchanging gifts with your pals and swearing that you’re each others soul mates, and who needs men anyways right? Let’s be honest though, I have enjoyed a number of these single gal V-Day dates, and my friends are my soul mates.
But if you’re in a relationship, depending on what type of a person you are, it means that you’re A) Going to judge the future of your relationship based on the behaviors of your significant other on that day B) Try and avoid the holiday altogether because you’re not a romantic and this day was made up by the greeting card co’s or C) Enjoy Valentine’s Day for what it is, don’t overdo it, and try to get through it as quickly as possible.
I believe I am type “C"— I don’t love Valentine’s Day. I think the pressure placed on everyone to be the perfect couple or an optimistic single is out of control, and in the past I’ve been a victim of both. I don’t like themed restaurants or prix fixe menus. That being said, I really like chocolate and little red heart shaped sugar cookies, and I look fantastic in red.
Also, I may have already gone out and bought a bag of York Peppermint Valentine’s Day patties, which are heart shaped and dyed pink… I mean, that’s cute right? This dog on a heart blanket is fun too, eh?
I dunno, Happy early Valentine’s Day babiez! Let’s get through this together!
I guess what I’m trying to say, very inarticulately is, will you be mine??