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9 posts tagged sexy

NSFW: 10 Sexiest Octopus Tattoos

Did you know that an octopus has 8 arms? Sexxxxy.

They also lack an internal and external skeleton so they can fit into tight spaces. Sexxxxy.

AND mating is the cause of death for both the males and females? Super Sexxxxy.

But you know what’s sexier? Getting one of these bad boys tattooed on your bod.

The tentacle points to her lady bits… Her vagina… Her va-jay-jay… Her fur burger… etc.

Hey girl, you ever licked whip cream off a calved octopus?

She’ll want you to put your 8 arms all over that tramp stamp!

This guy would KILL on Grindr.

I feel like this octopus is asking, “Why me?” And, indeed, good question.

This is just fucked up.



This girl is taking her octopus back to the beach, WHERE HE BELONGS!!


Okay, offensive American Apparel ads aside- I am trying to figure out what the deal is with tube socks.
Yes, it’s a Monday night and I am a grown woman thinking about tube socks. I am wearing some right now, and they are in my Twitter profile pic,...

Okay, offensive American Apparel ads aside- I am trying to figure out what the deal is with tube socks.

Yes, it’s a Monday night and I am a grown woman thinking about tube socks. I am wearing some right now, and they are in my Twitter profile pic, but I guess what I don’t get– as I stare at them on my legs– is why these socks are sexy.

Admittedly, I think they look good on me, and they give my legs the illusion of some kind of shapeliness (in a sock kind of way) because they cover up my obvious lack of shape.

But… they’re long socks. Not unlike the thermal ones my mom would give us when we’d go on ski trips and I’d spend the entire time in the lodge sipping cocoa because I actaully hated those trips.

They are long, and cover you up, and have weird stripes on them.

The name alone: TUBE socks is decidedly unsexy.

And yet, they are, they just fucking are…

Any ideas?

Justin Timberlake Will Not Have Sex On You (Or Me).

Justin Timberlake doesn’t believe in casual sex, one-night stands, or his groupies happiness.

“[Casual sex is] a really good idea until it becomes a bad idea. It probably becomes a bad idea really fast,” he stated.

But what if you’re a redhead who’s only 4-inches away from being declared a little person and sometimes you buy a bag of Goldfish and wake up the next morning surrounded by orange crumbs and regret??

Nope. No dice.

“If you’re going to be intimate with someone at some point somebody’s going to feel something,” he said. “They’ll develop a feeling but it’s going to be uh, uh.”

In Search Of A Photographer.

we should do a photo shoot.

Of what? Ur roast beef curtains?

for sure.

What would be the concept?

Salty salty.

Me laying on sheets made out of fried chicken.

And you beating me with a bottle of chocolate sauce.

And the phrase, "NOT IN MY HOUSE!" as a banner

Make it a bottle of red hot and I'm there!

Literally I'm crying

I'm serious about it though.

Me 2

U set it up, let me know the date and I'll bring the red hot

You are the red hot

No you are!

Yeah! :D

So, when I’m alone, I do masturbate a lot. I don’t know why. It’s like you have those days where it’s just like, I have a ton of writing to do, or a ton of reading to do, and you’re just like, OK, I’m going to be on the couch all day or in bed all day just doing that… I tend to have a four- or five-time day. [breaks out laughing] So, I probably would have if I was stuck under a rock.

James Franco