La Rosa Knows

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Okay, so I’ve rented A Dangerous Method.
I guess this is also as good a time as any to reveal that I have an active membership to a real live video store, the kind where you have to go in and pick out what you want and return or else suffer the...

Okay, so I’ve rented A Dangerous Method.

I guess this is also as good a time as any to reveal that I have an active membership to a real live video store, the kind where you have to go in and pick out what you want and return or else suffer the scourge of a late charge.

From what I remember of the trailer, this is a film about Freud and vibrators and tricking women into cumming, is that right?

The DVD cover reviews say:

“An erotic mindbender! An exhilarating provocation!” -Rolling Stone

“An intellectually vigorous, occasionally kinky term paper on the riddle of sexual desire and the dangers of scientific ambition.” -New York Times

Anyone actually seen the film?

Does Michael Fassbender get naked times? Should I prepare myself to be overwhelmed by his vigorous intellect, so to speak?