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In Which Redheads Inherit the Earth

I don’t think I’ll ever really recover from the news that Jon Snow and Ygritte from Game of Thrones are dating in real life.


Firstly, because Ygritte/Rose is a redhead and I unconditionally support any ginger in their romantic endeavors.


And secondly, because when the next season premieres my brain is going to explode with the knowledge that off-camera they enjoy each other. Intimately.


Just. Too. Delicious.

Chumbawamba, We Hardly Wanted to Know Ye


In case you haven’t heard, “Tubthumpin’” band Chumbawamba announced it’s official split on their official blog, called—what else—

Here’s why they’ve decided to ruin my memories of a 90s childhood:

We felt we’d got to a point where what we did as a band; and specifically the writing, recording, touring cycle; wasn’t doing justice to what Chumbawamba set out to do in the first place…

Chumbawamba was our vehicle for pointing at the naked Emperors, for telling our version of the truth; it gave us more than the joy and love of playing live, writing songs and singing together; it gave us a chance to be part of a broad coalition of activists and hectors, optimists and questioners. But eventually the rest of our lives got in the way and we couldn’t commit the time and enthusiasm that the band demanded. Couldn’t keep up with whatever responsibilities came with a band like this.

And you all thought art was dead!

Who wants to go pay tribute to their memory at a karaoke bar??