La Rosa Knows. I tell you everything you need to know, because I know it all.


Zach Galifianakis’ SNL Promo.

Zach Galifianakis is hosting SNL this week and the promos are LOL.

The last promo made me snort while in my office. I'm pretty sure I scared the dude in the office next to me. Enjoy!


Daniel Craig Dresses In Drag And Is Now My Hero

James Bond actor Daniel Craig is known for his badass persona on screen; escaping perilous situations, killing off villains, scaling walls with his bare hands… You know, that kinda thing! But he’s taking on a new role that requires him to wear a long blond wig, patterned dress, black tights, stiletto heels, and pearl earrings.

The 43-year-old stars in a 2-minute short film directed by Sam Taylor-Wood and narrated by Dame Judi Dench. It’s part of a campaign to raise awareness for International Women’s Day, which is this Tuesday, March 8th.

The film shows the 007 actor in a suit while Dench recites facts about inequalities between men and women that still exist in our society. “We’re equals, aren’t we 007?” Dench asks as Craig appears onscreen. “Yet is is 2011 and a man is still likely to earn more money than a woman, even one doing the same job.”

The narration continues, with Craig remaining completely silent. An important move for this video, featuring a woman with a voice and a man being forced to listen. “As a man, you’re less likely to be judged for promiscuous behavior, which is just as well frankly. And hardly any chance of falling victim to sexual assault.” Then Dench adds, “For someone with such a fondness for women, I wonder if you’ve ever considered what it might be like to be one?”

At this question we watch as Craig disappears off camera, then reappears in full on drag. As Craig listens to more facts about what it’s like to be a woman and live on unequal ground, he takes off the wig and earrings and looks straight into the camera for the final question posed to him. “So, are we equals?” Dench asks. “Until the answer is yes, we must never stop asking.”

As a woman this video feels very powerful, and I hope you all will pass it around to spread awareness for this important day and cause! You can also visit the WeAreEquals website for more information.

Watch the video below! What do you think? Personally, I've seen better looking drag queens but nonetheless, cool of him :)

Originally published on Ecorazzi


Ke$ha’s New Video… Wow

I don't even... I'm not sure what to do here, since Ke$ha's new video for her song "Blow" is so out of control that it's difficult to articulately respond to. I will say that I gaped in shock/horror/laughter at my screen and covered my mouth several times with my hand.

Let's bullet point this shit:

  • James Van Der Beek rips a bra out of his shirt
  • Ke$ha's face is so hideous that I had to turn away
  • James gives "sex eyes" while pelvic thrusting
  • Ke$ha has "sexy" hair flips while grinding into a unicorn
  • There are unicorns in suits, one that Ke$ha makes out with
  • Ke$ha calls him "James Van Der Douche" lol
  • The song's title perfectly describes my feelings about the song
  • Rainbow death sequence
  • LOL



Has anyone seen this new reality show on A&E called Heavy??

It is... fantastic. It's sort of like Intervention— from the way it's shot to the interviews with the people involved— but it all centers around 2 morbidly obese people per episode, and their journey into slimming down.

To be fair, I am obsessed with shows about addiction and transformation. Programs like Intervention, Tabatha's Salon Takeover, and Wife Swap have always appealed to me. There's something about watching a person struggle, and then realize something important about themselves that I rather enjoy, and sometimes they FAIL, and that's cool too (as horrible as that makes me sound).

Heavy is no different! It follows two people, who are then paired up and brought to what is, for all intensive purposes, a fat camp. Together they work out with trainers, struggle to eat the vegetables and grilled proteins they're fed, and vent to each other about the perils of weight loss.

A few of my favorite highlights from the show include last week's episode where "Big Kev" broke down and started yelling, "I'm not going to eat the salad! I can't take anymore salad!" That was great.

I was a fat kid, the type where my pediatrician had to sit me down and have talks with me about what a grim future I'd face if I didn't lose weight. Eventually, when I hit puberty and grew and my metabolism sped up, I did slim down. So, in a way I get a bit of what these people go through. Losing weight sucks, no doubt about it, and being fat is just a shitty card in life to be dealt.

And, I feel badly about it, but I watch this show and eat snacks and it feels good. I don't know if I snack because watching them stresses me out, or perhaps I eat while I watch because it makes me feel closer to them?

I have no idea, but it has become a little sick ritual for me that I take great pleasure in.

I dunno, has anyone else had a similar experience watching these reality shows? Perhaps you've taken up heroin after a particularly draining episode of Intervention?

Check out a clips from the show here (I need someone to talk about this with)!


Cee-Lo Green Cover Of ‘No One’s Gonna Love You’

My friend Ally posted this on her Facebook wall the other day, and I keep thinking about the video/song.

It's a Cee-Lo Green cover of "No One's Gonna Love You," originally by Band of Horses. Give it a click, it's really beautifully shot!

Oh, also, there's a whole lot of nudity, so... Enjoy! :D

Cee-lo "No one's gonna love you" from Starr Whitesides on Vimeo.


Happy Valentine’s Day!

My blog is slowly but surely turning into a shrine to all things Dennis.

For Valentine's Day, I got the following email subject line in my inbox, "Happy Valentines Day: Baby you're a firecrotch."

Now, some people might find this offensive. People like, say, me for example, who happen to have red hair and may have been called such a hurtful name early on in our childhood.

Nevertheless I tuned in and turned the volume on HIGH. Then, as is always the case, I LOL'd all over the damn place.

Enjoy Dennis' rendition of Katy Perry's "Firework," and also please note the subtle differences...


Dennis Sings “Gimme More” By Britney Spears.

My good friend Dennis left Los Angeles to move back home to Boston, but luckily he keeps in touch. Every week, sometimes a few times a week, I'll get emails from him with the subject lines like "Dennis in a large cat costume at work!" "Me and my shake weight" "hey boo boo" and "(no subject)."

These messages usually have no text in the body of the email, but instead contain a large video attachment to download and enjoy. Without fail, I do enjoy these, and I even posted Dennis' firsthand experience with a shake weight in a previous post.

Now, watch as Dennis sings Britney Spears' "Gimme More" alone in his car... while he drives. LOL.


The One Glee Fan At The Super Bowl.

Glee followed the Super Bowl last night, which means that a lot of Gleeks were tuning in.

Improv Asylum figured that out and made a video about it called "The 1 Glee Fan At The Super Bowl."



Keanu Reeves As A Robot.

The special effects in Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey are totally underrated, and Keanu Reeves as a robot is the only way to truly start the weekend.

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Katie Couric And Bryant Gumbel Don’t Know What The Internet Is.

Behold, a clip from the Today Show circa 1994 in which Bryant Gumbel and Katie Couric try to understand what the Internet is, how to pronounce that pesky @ symbol, and why anyone would possibly want to communicate over a computer.
