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13 posts tagged men

What ‘Girls Night’ Means

This weekend is going to be a big girl fest. And by that I mean I’ll be spending a lot of time with two of my best friends, Kristen and Gabby.

Right now our plans include getting dinner and watching movies on Friday, and doing the same thing Saturday (just outside) when we go to the Cemetery screening of “Edward Scissorhands.”

I was thinking about “girls night” and what this means to women. But more specifically, what it means to me. I know that it’s incredibly important. I feel like I actually need it, and when I don’t get quality time with my girls I become depressed, irritated, and gaze forlornly out of windows.

But why? I jive talk with them all day on g-chat (there goes my productivity), and text when I’m not online, so why do I need the face-to-face time?

Because I’m not a robot, okay? Because I need to see them and have a safe place to eat bad food and gossip and analyze every part of my life. They are my therapists, friends, and family all gobbled into one and it’s brilliant.

We also, stereotypically, focus on one thing only: men. Who we’re dating, what they’re doing wrong, why we hate them, why we love them, what they’re doing and what it means, what to respond with when they text, how to play coy, how to get a spark back, what it means when they say one thing then do another… The list of topics covered on men is endless and tiring and we can literally discuss it for hours.

Mostly it’s helpful, because you’re getting feedback from people you know and trust. And, if you’re like me, you can easily miss warning signs that should glow out at you like a Mack truck but for whatever reason don’t, and this is where Kristen and Gabby will point them out to me.

But sometimes it can be completely frustrating, because getting the truth is not always what you want to hear. Well, actually, hearing the truth is never what you want. Like, ever. Especially when you’re asking for someones opinion, because if you’re asking in the first place it means you’re unsure and those scales tipping into uncertainly are probably correct. It’s a bummer, and good friends will give it to you straight.

I get it though. I’m the same way; I love my friends and if anyone hurts them I will viciously attack. So, if I said that my boyfriend is beating me (he’s not, relax, I fell on a doorknob), they would promptly knock me unconscious and while in my unaware state they would drive to his house and suffocate him with a pillow.

God, I hope that doesn’t happen now. It’s going to be awkward to have this as a clue for the police on my blog.

On Men With High-Pitched Laughs...

p.p.s. guys with high pitched laughs are disgusting

i hate that sound

i just heard one echo through the halls like a banshee


It's a sign of weakness

in the wild they'd be killed

My Thoughts on the Royal Wedding (and Love).

Now that I’ve watched the “Will & Kate” Lifetime made-for-TV-movie 3 times (yes, you read that correctly), I’d like to make some comments about love.

I have a hard time understanding people who know exactly what they want when it comes to relationships. Like Miss Middleton, for example, in “Will & Kate” who knew what she wanted right away when she passionately told her mother, “All I want is Will!

Okay, this is a fictional movie written by someone who clearly has read a lot of romance novels, but still- I know women like this.

How do you know that’s all you want? And I don’t care for the response, “You just… know!” because I’m not going to accept that kind of bullshit. I’m not asking how do you know that you want that one person, I get that people fall madly in love and want to be together forever- I’m not a robot (yet).

But don’t you ever get scared? Aren’t there ever moments when you think, “Huh. Forever? That’s a long fucking time.”

Hell yeah it is. And you know what? Scares me right now!

I know I could be faithful, that’s not the issue. It’s the whole, “Oh, wait, you don’t go to your own place now that it’s the morning? You stay here and we have to figure out how I can watch my Lifetime movies while eating peanut butter off a spoon without you judging me? Yikes…”

I suppose I’m afraid of being judged, the way that Kate was afraid that Wills (that’s what she calls him in the movie, not me!) would judge her for being so darn pretty all the time.

Okay, that never happened. In the movie neither of them is judgey or defense or eating half a jar of peanut butter and dried pineapple slices for dinner. Which is why it all seems so… scary.

I mean, come on, Kate’s going to eventually fart or something. That’s going to scare the hell out of a balding prince, right?