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3 posts tagged girls

Comparing: Mean Girl Move Or Normal Reaction?

Something all girls do is compare and we do it freely and without abandon to each other’s:








-Successful pickup rate

-Eating habits



-FB photos

-First Date Ideas

-Nail polish color

-Clever tweets

It is exhausting, to say the least, and I’ll admit that I have done this more often than I’d like to (on a daily basis, even).

And the thing is that all of the comparing is typically done silently because you don’t want the other girl to know that she’s the subject of your scrutiny. One crucial aspect to comparing is secrecy and our own personal gain (i.e. “She is a size bigger than me, therefore I am okay”).

Part of it feels a little bit mean girl, even though it’s not always malicious and often more of an inspection, and another part of it feels like a way to gather intel on how to model our lives so they can be made better.

I think men do this too though, especially when it comes to where they are in their careers when that competitive edge comes out. Then they compare their girlfriends to make sure theirs is hotter/smarter/funnier/the baddest bitch. And maybe next to that is bodies.

Though I’ve never heard men discuss this very much, do they at all?