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18 posts tagged Michael C Hall
18 posts tagged Michael C Hall
How was sad lumberjack a way to end the series? Why did he throw Deb in the ocean, where he threw all of his serial kills? Why did he send his son off with a sociopath to another country?
Big Love/ FLDS inspired Michael C. Hall photoshoot for Bullett magazine (the shoot was described as “sexy polygamist style")
Well, this is fucking weird.
Killer in the sense that they’re awesome, and bloody. Warning: spoilers ahead.
Dexter’s had 125 kills so far… How many more can we expect in the final season?!
Well, this is weird.
Happy Dexter season premiere night, everyone!
Here’s a sneak peak of Season 7 that was shown at Comic-Con.
Can’t wait for the new season! What do you think will happen to Deb?
I ship Dexter + Killing Deb!!!
I DO NOT ship Deb and Dexter.
It’s no secret that Michael C. Hall and I have shared many a lustful moment (READ: He is a famous A-list star, and I watch him on repeat until he is burned into my dreams). But… I’ll admit that in season one of DEXTER I formed a small, delicate flame of love for his brother Rudy, aka “Biney,” aka actor Christian Camargo.
He may have played a sociopath on screen, and I could tell he was thin and had light acne scarring, but that didn’t deter me. This dude was SEXY. What does that say about me as a person? Oh, probably plenty that a psychologist would love to dissect!
But since my current therapist is this blog, let me just say that I was equal parts thrilled and confused at his reappearance in tonight’s episode. Here are my thoughts/questions/concerns. Feel free to comment and help a gal out!
-Can’t Dexter Morgan be “bad” on his own without his brother? Why did Biney HAVE to be there?
-I think we’re all sick of the voices in Dexter’s head, no? I’d rather he just do him without the dad on his shoulder.
-Is Biney dead?
As if we weren’t going extinct fast enough…
The world’s largest sperm bank has started turning down redhead donors because there’s a “lack of demand” for us.
The director of the sperm bank was quoted as saying:
I do not think you chose a redhead, unless the partner–for example, the sterile male–has red hair, or because the lone woman has a preference for redheads. And that’s perhaps not so many, especially in the latter case.
Excuse me? I am a redhead and a woman. But this pissed me off. Mostly because what he’s saying is partially true.
There has been real and open hatred of redheaded males in the media. Not just in calling them “gingers” but also in relegating redhead males to the role of comic relief (i.e. Ron Weasley in Harry Potter), rather than leading man.
By not showing redhead men in a positive light, it tells the world that they are unworthy, or undesirable. The same way that women who watch too many commercials often feel pressured to diet and work out, as a result of all the advertisements to lose weight.
When is the last time you saw a redhead male in a leading, romantic role? I honestly can’t think of one.
I’d just like to point out a few examples of hot redhead men- if not for my own sanity, then for that of some of the redhead males in my life. My brother, for example, and one of my best friends, Tommy.
Appreciate redheaded men while you can, trust me when I say that you’ll miss them!
Lynn Kegan of HGTV’s “Designed to Sell”
Ewan McGregor
Peabo Powell, a redhead model
Simon Woods in “Pride and Prejudice”
My man, Michael C Hall
Duh, Prince Harry
Robert Redford. Fuck yeah.
Eric Stoltz.
Conan O'Brien. Very Funny.
Rupert Grint.