La Rosa Knows

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“ There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy
They say he’d wandered very far, very far
Over land and sea.
A little shy, and sad of eye; but very wise was he.
And then one day…one magic day he passed my way
And while we spoke of...


There was a boy, a very strange enchanted boy
They say he’d wandered very far, very far
Over land and sea.
A little shy, and sad of eye; but very wise was he.

And then one day…one magic day he passed my way
And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
This he said to me
The greatest thing you’ll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return.

The greatest thing you’ll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return

Been in a very romantic mood lately.

Christian (Ewan McGregor) is one of my favorite characters from a romantic film. He’s willing to do anything for love.


Redheads. We’re Being Exterminated.

As if we weren’t going extinct fast enough…

The world’s largest sperm bank has started turning down redhead donors because there’s a “lack of demand” for us.

The director of the sperm bank was quoted as saying:

I do not think you chose a redhead, unless the partner–for example, the sterile male–has red hair, or because the lone woman has a preference for redheads. And that’s perhaps not so many, especially in the latter case.

Excuse me? I am a redhead and a woman. But this pissed me off. Mostly because what he’s saying is partially true.

There has been real and open hatred of redheaded males in the media. Not just in calling them “gingers” but also in relegating redhead males to the role of comic relief (i.e. Ron Weasley in Harry Potter), rather than leading man.

By not showing redhead men in a positive light, it tells the world that they are unworthy, or undesirable. The same way that women who watch too many commercials often feel pressured to diet and work out, as a result of all the advertisements to lose weight.

When is the last time you saw a redhead male in a leading, romantic role? I honestly can’t think of one.

I’d just like to point out a few examples of hot redhead men- if not for my own sanity, then for that of some of the redhead males in my life. My brother, for example, and one of my best friends, Tommy.

Appreciate redheaded men while you can, trust me when I say that you’ll miss them!

Lynn Kegan of HGTV’s “Designed to Sell”

Ewan McGregor

Peabo Powell, a redhead model

Simon Woods in “Pride and Prejudice”

My man, Michael C Hall

Duh, Prince Harry

Robert Redford. Fuck yeah.

Eric Stoltz.

Conan O'Brien. Very Funny.

Rupert Grint.