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4 posts tagged netflix

Just started watching Orange Is the New Black, and when Yoga Jones started talking, I thought, “Hey, why do I suddenly want to turn on Nickelodeon and eat Kraft macaroni and cheese?”
Oh, that’s because Constance Shulman, who plays Jones, also voiced Patti Mayonnaise on Doug.
Mind blown. Just a little. Even though we all new Patti was a total bad girl deep down, right?

Just started watching Orange Is the New Black, and when Yoga Jones started talking, I thought, “Hey, why do I suddenly want to turn on Nickelodeon and eat Kraft macaroni and cheese?”

Oh, that’s because Constance Shulman, who plays Jones, also voiced Patti Mayonnaise on Doug.

Mind blown. Just a little. Even though we all new Patti was a total bad girl deep down, right?

Documentary Rec: Dear Zachary

So, last night I went out and had this beautiful dinner at XIV with Ashley. It was eight courses (fatties) and ended with us worrying that we might actually be sick from all the food. Despite this, we waddled to my car and parted ways knowing that neither of us would be able to go out as a result of our respective food babies. 

I had a Netflix waiting patiently for me at home. One that I may have mentioned with some trepidation as to the results. However, I can tell you that Dear Zachary was one of the best documentaries I have ever seen. The trailer simply doesn’t do it justice. Such an incredible film; gut wrenching, important, and infuriating. I sat in a fetal position on my couch, bursting into tears every ten minutes, and at certain points found myself yelling at the TV. By the end of it my eyes were bloodshot and puffy and I had to peel myself up from the sofa to get some sanity back. Not only does the documentary touch on the personal story of the Bagby family, but the justice system as well. What happens is you get this incredibly touching journey coupled with enough information to make you want to write letters to Congress. Really powerful.

Sleep did not come easy because this had such an effect on me, but I would highly recommend that y’all add this to your queue. Just know that you’ve been told- this is intense- so bring some tissues.