La Rosa Knows

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Just started watching Orange Is the New Black, and when Yoga Jones started talking, I thought, “Hey, why do I suddenly want to turn on Nickelodeon and eat Kraft macaroni and cheese?”
Oh, that’s because Constance Shulman, who plays Jones, also voiced Patti Mayonnaise on Doug.
Mind blown. Just a little. Even though we all new Patti was a total bad girl deep down, right?

Just started watching Orange Is the New Black, and when Yoga Jones started talking, I thought, “Hey, why do I suddenly want to turn on Nickelodeon and eat Kraft macaroni and cheese?”

Oh, that’s because Constance Shulman, who plays Jones, also voiced Patti Mayonnaise on Doug.

Mind blown. Just a little. Even though we all new Patti was a total bad girl deep down, right?

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