La Rosa Knows

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WARNING: This post is about to get sappy, so feel free to stop reading now!
E and I are celebrating our one year anniversary today! It’s exciting!
I’m currently out of town in New York, but we celebrated this past weekend. E took me on a picnic,...

WARNING: This post is about to get sappy, so feel free to stop reading now!

E and I are celebrating our one year anniversary today! It’s exciting!

I’m currently out of town in New York, but we celebrated this past weekend. E took me on a picnic, complete with baguette, cheese, vino, and cupcakes. And afterward we exchanged gifts.

I got him a bottle of Graham’s port wine. It was a kind we tasted while in Portugal and we both really liked it. And I also got a bunch of Reese’s peanut butter cups, a big mason jar, and garage sale stickers. I wrote down things I love about him, and memories I have from the past year, then slapped them on the back of the Reese’s cups. (I stole this idea from Pinterest, as I am not that clever.)

E got me a beautiful necklace that I’ve been wearing everyday. It’s not in the photo, but you’ll be seeing it soon.

I feel so lucky to have a man like E in my life, and I’m looking forward to the year ahead!

Dear Santa…


My holiday dream/wish/GIMME list. After going over it I realize it may come off to some of you as sad/depressing/god-never-let-me-be-Erin. To those people I say, “Take pity on me! Buy me all of these things!”

The END is near… “Sip at Your Own Risk” Tumbler for $15.99

Oh, hello Woodland Creature Ring Set! Size 6, folks. ($19.99)

A Personal Assistant Organizer for all your… crap. ($13.99)

Ice Age Tray for $9.99

Yum nums. This Chocolate Pie Chart is just $20.

Welcome to my new duvet, only me.

Don’t Fur-Get to Write pad for $18.99

These Cream Crinkled Driving Gloves are perfect for punching bitches.

For all the book nerds… A “Marks the Plot” Coaster set for $24.99

Red Velvet Kitty slippers to sink my tootsies into! ($28)

This Lulu Frost bronze number necklace is GOING ON MY NECK.

Because I can’t be any more of a cat lady: the “Paw Me a Cup” Tea set for $45.99