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May 21st, 2011: Doomsday.

Ah, Judgment Day! That special time of year when you go home to see the folks for Thanksgiving and your grandmother tells you that you look “puffier” than the last time she saw you…

Oh, wait, Judgment Day means talking about Doomsday? My bad! In that case, I hope you’re in the mood for a little Rapture!

According to Harold Camping, the 89-year-old leader of the Christian fundamentalist network Family Radio Worldwide, the day to repent is upon us, as the world will be ending on May 21, 2011.

According to the website, and the countdown clock, we’ve got 4 days to shape up because “The Bible guarantees” Judgment Day will be coming for us. Well— the actual destruction of Earth will take up to six months to come to fruition, but still you get the point.

Originally published on, read more here

Are you ready for the exquisite Rapture?