La Rosa Knows

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Dear Marvel,
I’d like to pitch you an idea for a new comic book called Thesaurus Girl*! It stars me (see pictured) and is about an awesome superhero who battles villains using her book of synonyms and antonyms- too good to be true, right? Well, hold...

Dear Marvel,

I’d like to pitch you an idea for a new comic book called Thesaurus Girl*! It stars me (see pictured) and is about an awesome superhero who battles villains using her book of synonyms and antonyms- too good to be true, right? Well, hold on to your pants because the book is also a totally legit weapon that can give the bad guys paper cuts!!

Call me!

-La Rosa

(*syn Bobby-soxer, chick, damsel, doll, gal, lass, lassie, mademoiselle, maiden, miss)