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On Janelle & Anthony’s Wedding


Today my friend from middle school, Janelle, will be marrying her fiancé, Anthony.

I feel lucky for a few reasons:

  1. I get to be a bridesmaid and stand by her side at the altar.
  2. Janelle found someone who suits her as well as Anthony does.
  3. I get to eat cake.

Just kidding on that third one!!!…Kind of.

In all seriousness, I have known Janelle for a long time. Long enough that she saw me through my fat phase, knows about that time in middle school when I locked our math teacher out of the classroom (Sorry, Mrs. Kaczowka!), and was there on my 20th birthday when I wrapped a sheet around myself and declared, “I am Batman!”

I didn’t really become close friends with Janelle until high school. We ran in different circles, even though in a school of 100 kids having circles seems somewhat pointless. But it was in high school, when I started to get involved with theater, that Janelle and I felt a kind of kinship. When I say “kinship,” what I truly mean is that we both made each other laugh.

We’ve shared a love of roller coasters, Anthony Hopkins (no relation to her now fiancé, though, admittedly, the shared first name seems oddly convenient…), haunted houses, dancing to “Peanut Butter Jelly Time,” and all things completely nonsensical.

Keeping in touch and staying close has not been easy, especially since I decided to go to Boston for undergrad and Los Angeles for grad school, and Janelle landed at FSU then Iowa for veterinary school. 

She also landed Anthony (or he landed her, rather) and, like some winged Amazonian bird, my feathers immediately went up when I sensed a threat to my friendship. However, I can say with great pleasure, that we have stayed friends and I couldn’t be more excited to watch them both start a life together! Xoxo

But to the millions who said we wouldn’t last, I’d just like to say…


I CAN HAVE MY CAKE AND EAT JANELLE TOO! Or, wait, that’s the saying, right? No…? Let’s make it one?