‘The Secret Circle’ Office Has A Witch… A Cold-Loving Witch.

Before I jump into the story of how witches are invading ‘THE SECRET CIRCLE’ office, let me start with a little background information:

I’m working on a new CW Show called ‘The Secret Circle,’ and I’ve been with them for a little over a month now. I seriously couldn’t ask for a better job; I love the show, the concept, witches, my coworkers, and I’m learning so much.

There’s just one little issue: My boss and I disagree about how low we should keep the thermostat.

Andrew Miller is an amazing guy— he wrote the pilot for ‘The Secret Circle,’ he’s smart, funny, has a beautiful wife and a newborn baby who is adorable. But he also likes to keep our office to the temperature of an igloo.

I’m not exaggerating here— we had the temperature on so low the other day that it burst a pipe and caused a leak in our kitchen.

So, sometimes, I fiddle with the air conditioner… I can’t help it! I’m from Florida, and I’m used to tank tops and flip flops. Plus, it’s right next to my desk, and when my parka is up over my head and my teeth are chattering as I type, it’s just too tempting not to try and make it warmer.

I tried to do this about an hour ago. The temperature was at 70 (which, may not sound chilly but to my wimpy skin it is), and I went to turn it up to 73— an even compromise, no?

So, let me walk you through this: I stand up, go around my desk, remove the cover for the thermostat, and turn it up to 73. When I finish I put the cover back on very tightly and go around to my desk. A few minutes later the cover falls off the hinge and lands with a loud thump on the ground.

Okay, so this alone is a little odd. Because it’s a cover that’s secured with a latch and it shouldn’t be able to just fall off. That being said, I got up and went to put the thing back on.

Here’s where the creepy comes in.

As I held the cover in my hand and stared at the thermostat, I saw the numbers falling down from 73, then 72, then 71, and finally landing back at 70.

Let me explain: In order to decrease the temperature you have to hit the down arrow buttons on the thermostat. Somehow this thermostat was changing temperatures all on its own, without me touching it and while I was LOOKING at it.

I nearly screamed.

I ran out of the office and into the hallway. I have never felt colder in my life, my whole body stiffened and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I had to take a walk outside and convince myself that no one was trying to hurt me.

It’s only now that I’ve calmed down and come back into the office.

The maintenance guys were called to come check on “the problem” but they said everything looks fine and there’s nothing wrong with it.

Yeah, nothing wrong, except for the fact that there clearly is!

I am super freaked out right now. And this isn’t the first time a weird something has happened in this office.

Right now I am trying to look at all of the rational explanations for why this could have happened or how. But as things stand, it looks like whoever or whatever is in this office also likes to keep the temperature low and cold. The witch/ghost/what have you is on Team Andrew, and so the thermostat will remain at 70.

I just have to ask though— has this ever happened to anyone else out there? Maybe this is totally normal?

‘The Secret Circle’ Still Awesome

Last night I was at the office until 10:30 with Andrew and Richard while they worked on a story pitch document for our show, The Secret Circle.

We found out that it will start airing Thursday nights after The Vampire Diaries, come September 15th and I couldn’t be more excited!

I have watched the pilot 4 times now, but the closer it gets the more I want to watch it again (though perhaps we’re getting borderline psychotic now).

Everything is still new and shiny at my job; staying late and eating takeout feels like being part of some special club, and waking up early to do it all over again gives me energy from some well I didn’t know even existed.

This week is also my last week of grad school class, so I will officially have my master’s in writing— WHAT UP!!

I’m trying to really enjoy all of this now and hope that the good feelings continue.

On My First Week At ‘The Secret Circle’

So, my first week working on ‘The Secret Circle’ is coming to a close, and I have some inside intel:

-The office is amazing! And by the office I mean ‘The Vampire Diaries’ office because we won’t be able to move into ours until next week (construction, moving furniture, brewing potions, etc.).

-Working at TVD means loads of candy, pretzels, yogurt, snacks, and sodas in the kitchen, and photos of Stefan, Damon, and Elena all over the place (omfg AMAZING).

-Food trucks ABOUND.

-My two bosses, Andrew Miller and Richard Hatem are some of the funniest guys I have ever met. They are incredibly dedicated to the show, and check in often to see how the assistants are doing (also, they like it when we bring them snacks- and, who wouldn’t really?).

-I realize I keep talking about snacks, I think working at this job surrounded by yummy food will make me incredibly fat. Fatty fat and loving it.

-We got to order supplies today for the office (think multi colored highlighters and rainbow post its)- the Type-A in me loved every minute of that.

-Music that the assistants have decided to play to get us in ‘The Secret Circle’ mood includes Fiona Apple and Adele.

-When I was told that I was hired, Richard turned to me and said, “Congratulations, you are now a witch!” I thought that was the best thing I could have ever heard.

More to come from the happiest place on earth!