La Rosa Knows

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Week 1 of NaNoWriMo: Completed

It’s Day 7 of my commitment to writing a novel in 30 days and…I’ve learned quite a bit.


Here’s what I now know:

  1. I can write more than I ever thought I could. Like, I might be a cyborg sent from the future. I’m a full-time writer for work. Which means that my day starts at 7 am, with an hour of NaNo writing. Then starts again at 9 a.m., when I head into the office to blog for E!. The rest of the novel writing continues on my lunch hour, when I get home from work at 7, and well into the night. I’m a machine.
  2. Excuses come in many forms and flow as quickly as water. Like, I could watchHomelandagain. Or I need more tea. And what would my hair look like in a braided bun on top of my head? Maybe I should go try that out and take a bunch of self portraits.
  3. I am capable of power naps. Believe it or not, I’ve never been much of a napper. Don’t really care for it. That was before, of course, when I was getting plenty of sleep and my body wasn’t in a constant state of twitchy. Now I just luuurrrve me some power nappage.
  4. My friends are fantastic. And I’m not just saying that. I have really supportive friends who check in and hold me accountable. They push me everyday and, to be honest, I would not have started any of this were it not for their encouragement. (Thank you, my mouses!!!)


     5.  If Lauren Conradcan write a book, then so can I!

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