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32 posts tagged food

What Happened To Eating Cereal?

Let me tell you something: When I was in high school, I could eat two bowls of cereal for breakfast. When I was in middle school, Cocoa Puffs were my only friends. And before that, a bowl of Lucky Charms was the only reason I’d wake up in the morning.

Now, at the age of 28, those days are gone, because what I eat for breakfast is something healthy. Something like wheat toast with organic peanut butter or Greek yogurt with raw almonds. (Yummy, but in comparison…not even close.)

Let me just walk you through some of the cereals I used to fantasize about eating, and then actually ate quite a bit of:

  • Pops


The trick is, you’d have to try and eat them all before the milk made them soppy. Or, as I refined my technique, you’d have to eat in increments: filling the bowl ¼ of the way, then refilling when completed.

  • Frosted Flakes

Let’s be honest, this is legit sugar in a bowl and it’s like crack. Delicious, wonderful crack.

  • Cookie Crisp

How this was even allowed to be a cereal, I’ll never know. It’s a bowl of cookies! Again, not complaining.

  • Cap'N Crunch

You know those cereals where it’s clear what they’re supposed to be? Like, Cookie Crisp is cookies. Raisin Bran includes bran and raisins, among other things. No idea what Cap'N Crunch is or why it’s so tasty. Maybe that’s for the best, though.

  • Raisin Bran

I read somewhere that even though this is marketed as a “healthy” cereal, it’s actually one of the worst in terms of calories, sugar and carbs. Maybe that’s why it tasted so dang awesome.

  • Fruity Pebbles


No question: Rainbow milk at the end of the bowl was what kept me coming back for more.

Those are a few of my faves…what are yours??

If There’s One Thing I Need…


…It’s a waffle food truck outside of my apartment every morning at 9 a.m. before I head to work.

I saw this article on the Wafels & Dinges truck in NYC and thought, “I am filled with a jealous rage that can only be solved by drinking wine.” And so I did, and so I did.

Also, there’s this food porn photo on their website:


Step up your waffle game, Los Angeles.

True Hollywood Story: Kidnapped by Gourmet Chefs in Palm Springs


Over the weekend I went with 6 of my friends to Palm Springs, (cue Robyn, Donna Summer and various other gay-themed divas).


We rented a house with a lovely kitchen, in which two of my friends challenged each other to a cook off.

The remaining 5 innocent bystanders could do little else but create score cards to rank Taste, Texture, Presentation and Originality. And, of course, wait patiently for their battle to begin.


The chefs are pictured above, young and red haired Tommy, and equally young but less red haired Joseph.


Oh, there was PREP WORK.


Which included Tommy making his own pasta and letting the noodles dry on the back of some chairs.


Which resulted in things like the above: an arugula salad with tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, red pepper puree and balsamic beads that Tommy made using a molecular gastronomy kit!


We were all horrified, obviously, and to ease our nerves we sat quietly at the table, drinking down the wine pairings that were so carefully selected with each course.


Some of you may know the above as a Chicken Francese, but for those held prisoner that night we liked to call it, “Just the beginning…::Shudder::”


This homemade basil ice cream sandwiched in freshly baked shortbread and topped with strawberries and blackberries was the last of the courses (THANK GOD).


Our captors proudly stood at the head of the table after the meal, anxiously awaiting our verdict.

What can I say? Gourmet food is just the worst, amiright?!?

This weekend I went to Santa Barbara for a friend’s birthday, because that’s how we do.

Eleven of us stayed on a ranch with mountains, cows, horses and olive groves.

The birthday dinner was held in the olive groves, with one long table, bottles of scotch, wine, cigars and ribs from a nearby joint.

It was absolutely spectacular. I don’t remember the last time I had that much fun. Also? I think that it’s time to add “Ranch in Santa Barbara” to the list of homes I’ll own when I’m rich.
